Two trophies on one day :-)15/3/2016 I've won last year's regional Optimist regatta series, Ruf Junioren Cup, both overall and in my age group. I received my trophies from Marc-Oliver Knöpfel, the president of our regional sailing association Zürichsee-Segler-Verband which is the cup's organizer, last weekend at a regional training camp in my hometown Stäfa. The winners also received some nice gifts from Yachting Systems.
Even though I know that regional competition is not super tough, it still feels good to have two more trophies in my collection. My brother Niklas became second overall followed by my club mate Nathan. A total of 69 kids participated in the four regattas that constitute our regional regatta series. Rankings, a report and some more photos are to be found here: The photo below shows Niklas, I and Nathan having fun with our trophies. Our club's president Regula (to the far right) appears to have fun as well ;-). My future 420 sailing partner Nik and my boat (SUI 1751) are pictured as well - reflected by the window.
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